A collaborative project begun in 2019 between Adam and Lady Kitt, with collaboration from Sofia Hussan.

Dressed as Adam makes slightly mischievous work that aims to incite, celebrate and grow relationships between people and poetry. Words are funny old things, with the potential to be slippery when spoken and somehow unyielding when written. We like to forage around in the places between written and spoken words, hoping to find time, tools and space for people to develop deep relationship with poems, instead of fleeting flings. Writing, performing and (sometimes) destroying poems with themes of othering, Northernness and the profound mundane, we use a variety of techniques including drag, word-searches, photography, body paint, and (mild) participation.

Dressed As Adam members performing at The Russet (London), PRAXIS Gallery (Newcastle), Theatre Deli (Sheffield) and CultureLab (Newcastle University). Image credits: Sofia Hussan, Clare Brown, Nick Pierce and Michaela Wetherell.